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A Scarlett Woman


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Ok guys, I think some of you need a refresher course in appointment etiquette. But I'm having a little problem with clients knocking at my door before they are summoned. Twice last week, repeat clients neglected to follow logistic instructions and committed a cardinal sin in the hobby....knocking unannounced.

When you make an appointment with me, we confirm the time, I send address and instruct you to text when you get close. I ask you to do this, so I have a heads up and can finish getting ready for you. I also may do this if, say, the client before you needed more time and we are sitting around chatting. Or maybe he needed extra time to shower and get out the door. Now, I'm not going to tell you this, because it's really none of your business and....well, I it looks kind of bad. I'll fully admit that I do a lot of BNG's. That's my specialty, most of my dates are BNG's. So unlike full service appointments, I don't need to shower between clients, unless things got really messy. But that rarely happens. All I need to do between BNG appts is change the cover on my bed, brush my teeth and garggle mouthwash and wash my hands.
I try and schedule only 3 BNG's an hour, but often I'll have 4. I do my best to make sure my clients don't run into each other. For everyone's privacy and safety. But you've got to do your part too. It's very important to be on time. Not late and definitely not early. Early is almost worse than being late. If you are early, I may ask you to park in the street until I tell you to come up. That will ensure that clients don't run into each other. I'm sure you can appreciate that.

When I'm ready for you, I'll tell you what building and where to park. Please park where I tell you, because I don't want you parking in my neighbors spot. They will call a tow truck if someone is on their spot. If you prefer that I don't see your car, or you aren't comfortable parking in my lot, you are welcome to find street parking and walk up.
Usually I'll text you that I need a few minutes to finish getting ready. I try not to make you wait more than a few minutes, but sometimes shit happens and it might be longer. It's rare but it does happen. I know you are waiting, and I value your time....please be patient. I'll text you and tell you that I'll send my unit number when I'm ready. If you are a regular client, you already know my unit number....but please DON'T COME UP UNTIL I TELL YOU TO!!!

I can't tell you how bad this is. Last week two regular clients didn't text to tell me they'd arrived. One was ten minutes early, and I had just said goodbye to a client. I hadn't cleaned up yet, changed any linen or brushed my teeth. I was totally not ready and here you are knocking at my door. It's startling, having an unexpected knock at the door. And it really puts me in a bind. Do I ignore the knock, and risk my neighbors seeing you? Do I have you come in before I've cleaned up and have you lay on dirty linen? Or do I tell you to go back and wait in the car? Drawing more attention to us....it looks bad to have been running back and forth. The second client also ignored my directions and came up unannounced. This one pissed me off because he was so pushy. I'd seen him before, but he wasn't very sure which apartment was mine. He text when he arrived, like I asked, but ignored my specific instructions to wait until I called. I wasn't ready! He asked which unit, and I told him but I also added that he was to wait until I was ready. Apparently my instructions don't mean anything, because he just came up. I was not happy, and told him so. I get a sorry/not sorry apology, his rude ass didn't care. He wanted to come up NOW and he was going to no matter what I said. Needless to say, our session didn't go well. I was angry and just couldn't get into it. I most likely won't see that particular client again.

It's such a simple thing.....wait in your car until you are told to come up. I've actually had guys knock while I was with a client. This is unacceptable, it can't happen. For safety, privacy and courtesy. Please just follow the directions a provider gives you. It's not ok to just knock! And I really don't think I should have to say this. It's just basic courtesy.


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